ATTENDANCE: If your child will be absent or late, please leave a voicemail message or send an email with your child’s name, grade, teacher and reason for absence by 8:30 am.
ILLNESS: Our children play and work close to each other for several hours each day. They are around many disease-causing germs. It is easy for illnesses to quickly spread through a class. Please remember our best defense against illness/germs is good hand washing, so encourage your child to wash his/her hands often with warm soap and water.
Some guidelines for when you should consider keeping your child home from school and/or be seen by a doctor:
- FEVER: Fever over 100.0 means that your child should stay home.
- Children must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
- VOMITING/DIARRHEA: Students must be 24 hours vomit/diarrhea free to return to school.
- RUNNY NOSE: A nose that has thick colored discharge means there could be an infection.
- SORE THROAT/COUGH: A cough that lingers and/or is deep should be considered contagious.
- Eyes: Any discharge from eyes, itchiness and redness.
- SKIN RASH: spreading, undiagnosed or draining skin lesion that cannot be covered.
- STREP THROAT: that has not been treated for at least 24 hours with antibiotics.
- COMMUNICABLE ILLNESS: that has not been cleared by a physician.
HEALTHY MEALS/SNACKS: It is our goal that your children develop healthy eating habits. Please be sure your child has a nutritious breakfast before the start of each school day and provide them with a healthy lunch/snacks, so they will have energy for learning and activities.
KINDERGARTEN & 1st GRADE REMINDERS: For those unfortunate accidents, please keep a seasonal appropriate change of clothes in your student’s backpack.
EMERGENCY CONTACTS: Please report any changes in contact numbers, so we can be sure to reach you or another designated caregiver, in the event of an illness or emergency.