About Me

Hello My Name Is...

Jaime Antifonario

I remember learning to read. I was in first grade at School #3.. Yes I was a student and graduate of our school:)))  I visited our school library and the Fort Lee Library often and borrowed many books.  I worked hard with my teachers and enjoyed reading with my mom and grandma.  Most of all, I liked talking about the books I was reading and guessing what would happen in the books I was interested in. I realized the more I read, the more I wanted to read.  The more I visited the library, the more books I wanted to borrow.  The more books I heard about, the more I wanted to pass books on to my friends.  Reading became another one of life’s circle of wonders.  The more it started to move, the more I wanted to keep it moving.  And the more it moved, the  more I learned and wanted to keep learning.  As I grew, I saw I loved reading so much, I wanted to become a teacher to help kids learn to love to read the way I did.  Today, I couldn’t be happier with my job as your library teacher.   

I am a Fort Lee 1995 graduate.  I graduated from SUNY Oswego in 1999 with a Bachelors in Science.  I graduated from New Jersey City University in 2003 with my Masters in Reading.  I started Fort Lee School District in 1999 and worked as a third and fifth grade teacher at School #1 until 2010. I received my Media Specialist certification from Rutgers in 2012 and have been a part of School #3 as the Media Specialist ever since. Sometimes I ask myself if I am missing anything by being in the same place as a teacher as I was a student..  but I always end my thought with the same answer.  I’m lucky!!  Lucky to be a part of such a great place for so long and lucky to be able to give back to a place I received so much from.  I’m in the same place that I started and so happy to be a part of the ongoing natural cycle of READING. 

Please email me if you should ever have any questions at:
[email protected]