- ALLERGY Action Plan.pdf
This plan MUST be completed for any student with allergies to foods, medications, insects etc. that requires prompt action and potentially the use of an epinephrine injector or antihistamine.
- ASTHMA Treatment Plan.pdf
This plan MUST be completed for any student with asthma that requires the use of an inhaler and/or nebulizer. Students are not permitted to carry inhalers.
- Medication During School Hours Form.pdf
This form is REQUIRED to be filled out by the child's physician if medication needs to be given during school hours. This includes antibiotics, over-the-counter medications (Tylenol, Advil, eye drops, cough drops) and prescription topicals.
Medications CANNOT be given without this form.
- Student Medical Exam Form.pdf
If there is an injury or a new medical diagnosis, please have this form completed by the healthcare provider to update your child’s medical records.
- Physical Education Excuse Form.pdf
If there is an injury or a student has an orthopedic device, a doctor’s exam/note is required to be excused from gym and/or recess.
- Annual Physical Examination Form.pdf
As per N.J.A.C. 6A:16-2.1, 2.2 and pursuant to N.J.S.A.18A:40-4., the Fort Lee Board of Education advises parents of the importance of students obtaining a physical examination annually.
Please submit a completed Universal Child Health Form by the physician, and updated immunization records and return to the school nurse.